Is Your Retirement At Risk?

Even If You've Done Everything "Right", There's Still A Chance Your Hard-Earned Savings Could Be At-Risk...

The Video Below Will Show You How To Protect Your Retirement

To understand more about the

TSR Ratio and which companies may put your retirement dollars at risk

get Tom Gober's new book, "Promise Over Price"

To learn more about why the TSR Ratio™ analysis is so important today, please take a look at some of the articles, letters and research papers that further address the prevalent higher-risk asset concentrations and opaque/offshore reinsurance, relative to the for-profit life insurer’s surplus:

Final Letter to NAIC

Critics Call for Reinsurance Crackdown

Why Athene's '$19B of Surplus' Is Misleading

Senator Sherrod Brown Letter

Gober Letter to US Sen Banking Committee

NAIC Reassures Congress on PE - Led Ins.

New Reinsurance Strategy

Shining A Light on a Shadow Industry

Gober Position on NAIC Credit for Reinsurance

Eileen Appelbaum Paper

To understand more about the

TSR Ratio and which companies may put your retirement dollars at risk

get Tom Gober's new book, "Promise Over Price"